UC Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies-JSPS SF Joint Symposium/カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウムを開催しました

日時:2023年3月3日(金)-3月4日 終日

場所: David Brower Center( 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 )

JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、2023年3月3日、3月4日の両日、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターと共催で国際シンポジウム「聖なる秘伝 – 日本宗教における秘伝口伝のネットワーク」を開催いたしました。(ハイブリッド開催)




On March 3rd and 4th, 2023, JSPS San Francisco Office co-hosted with Center for Japanese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, an international symposium entitled “Sacred Secrets: Networks of Secret Knowledge in Japanese Religions.” The symposium was held at David Brower Center and online.

The symposium invited scholars involved in the study of Japanese religions from Japan, the United States and Belgium to discuss the role of “secrecy” in Japanese religion, society, and culture, as well as their formation and decline, from a variety of perspectives. It included seven sessions, a keynote address, and a general discussion. The event was a success, with lively exchanges among the speakers and participants.

JSPS San Francisco Office will continue to hold joint symposia on a regular basis in the future.

Opening remarks by JSPS DirectorOpening remarks by JSPS Director

Session by Prof. Satoshi Ito, Professor Emeritus Paul Groner, Prof. Hiroki Kikuchi and Prof.Mark L. Blum


Homeイベント学術シンポジウムUC Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies-JSPS SF Joint Symposium/カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウムを開催しました