JSPS日本人研究者交流会 2017年度夏を開催しました

1 日時  2017年8月5日(土)午後1時30分~午後7時30分
2 場所  DAVID BROWER CENTER Tamalpais Room

JSPS日本人研究者交流会 2017年度夏への多数のご参加、誠にありがとうございました。





Research in Japan (June 21) 事業説明会を開催しました

  For the first time in ten years, JSPS San Francisco held fellowship information and networking sessions at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). With the generous help of The Office of Career & Professional Development, nearly 30 participants gathered at the UCSF Parnassus and Mission Bay Campuses to learn about fully-funded fellowships to Japan and connect with fellow researchers.

  The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and professors in Medicine, Biochemistry and Bioengineering, among others. UCSF administrators also attended to learn about the fellowship programs.

  JSPS would like to thank JSPS fellowship alumni Kathy Giacomini (UCSF Professor, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences) and Amanda Herberger (UCSF Postdoctoral Research Scholor, Department of Endocrinology), for sharing their experiences researching in Japan. Their talks were the highlights of the sessions, providing valuable insight through their first-hand experiences.

  JSPS also thanks UCSF-based JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows from Japan, Takeshi Yoneshiro (Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, Diabetes Center), Tatsuya Tsukui (Department of Medicine, Lung Biology Center) and Junji Suzuki (Department of Physiology) for their participation in the short networking event following the session. They shared viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and made connections that could lead to international and interdisciplinary research collaborations.

  JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area, and welcome all interested researchers to attend.

  For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/




当センターでは、毎年、米国において活躍されている日本人研究者の方々の分野を越えた交流を促進し、必要な情報を得たり、友好を深めたりすることを通じて、研究活動を一層充実させていただくことを目的に、交流会を開催しております。このたび、下記の日程で、当センター主催「日本人研究者交流会 2017年度夏」を開催することとしました。会の詳細につきましては、後日改めてご連絡いたしますが、2016年度と同様に研究紹介、講演(講演者は泉屋吉宏氏(UCデービス校准教授))及びグループディスカッションの実施を予定しております。


《日本人研究者交流会 2017年度夏について》

○会場:DAVID BROWER CENTER (2150 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704)
○講演者:泉屋吉宏氏(UCデービス校医学部皮膚科 准教授)



サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 担当 大山
JSPS San Francisco Office
Phone: +1-510-665-1890
Email: gathering@jspsusa-sf.org
Website: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org



1. 開催日:平成30年(2018年)3月11日(日)~15日(木)(予定)
2. 開催地:横浜
3. 参加者:日本国内から約25名(その他、アジア・太平洋・アフリカ地域から約75名)
4. 申請資格
5. 申請締切:平成29年(2017年)8月7日(月)17:30【本会必着】
6. ホームページ:http://www.jsps.go.jp/hope/index.html


〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 国際事業部
TEL 03-3263-2414 FAX 03-3234-3700
E-mail: hope-meetings@jsps.go.jp



〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1
国際事業部 研究協力第一課 若手交流第二係
E-mail : lindau@jsps.go.jp

山中伸弥先生講演会~基礎研究から産学連携まで~を開催しました JSPS Nobel Laureate Lecture: Dr. Shinya Yamanaka From Basic Research to Industry-Academia Collaboration

場所:Berkeley City Club Ballroom(2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94704)




田宮センター長の挨拶            山田在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事のご挨拶

山中先生のご講演              講演会場の様子

 JSPS San Francisco hosted Nobel Laureate Dr. Shinya Yamanaka (Director, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University) for his lecture delivered in Japanese: “From Basic Research to Industry-Academia Collaboration” on May 16, 2017 at the Berkeley City Club. Nearly 200 participants attended, including Japanese researchers, businesspeople, and the general public.
 The message of Dr. Yamanaka’s lecture on his Nobel Prize-winning iPS cell research spoke to everyone in the room. His stories about researching in the United States were particularly encouraging to the Japanese scholars in the audience who are currently conducting research in the US. He also focused on the importance of basic research, academic research and strategies to connect this research to industry and government, a topic of great interest to the Silicon Valley businesspeople in attendance. His character, Kansai dialect, and easy-to-understand explanation of technical themes made the content accessible to the entire audience, regardless of their background.
 In the Q&A session following the lecture, participants raised questions related to research, including “What kind of laboratory management is necessary to produce good research results?” and “What are some things researchers should endeavor to do in the early years of their research?”

 Dr. Yamanaka’s lecture was an inspiration not only to researchers, but to the audience as a whole.

 The JSPS San Francisco Office would like to thank the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) San Francisco Office and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Silicon Valley, without whom this event would not have been possible.

CLOSED 6.21.2017【Job Opportunity】Seeking a Full-Time Liaison Officer

JSPS San Francisco is hiring a full-time Liaison Officer. We are accepting applications through Thursday, June 22. For more details please see the official recruitment document below:

JSPS Liaison Officer Position Opening 5/2017

【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, UCSF(June 21, 2017) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?

Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available:
• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options
directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Parnassus: Weds, June 21, Library Room CL-222
12:00 pm – Fellowship program explanation
12:15 pm – JSPS Alumni talk/Q&A with past JSPS grantee
12:30 pm – Light lunch and networking
RSVP for Parnassus Info Session

Mission Bay: Weds, June 21, Mission Hall Room MH-1400
3:30 pm – Fellowship program explanation
3:45 pm – JSPS Alumni talk/Q&A with past JSPS grantee
4:00 pm – Coffee/dessert and networking
RSVP for Mission Bay Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.







山中伸弥先生講演会 ~基礎研究から産学連携まで~


講演者・テーマ:山中伸弥 京都大学iPS細胞研究所(CiRA)所長
日 時:2017年5月16日(火) 18:00 – 20:00
会 場:Berkeley City Club, Ballroom
2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704
(BART Downtown Berkeley 駅から徒歩10分ほど)
申 込:要申込・定員150名

Mail: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org

Professor Yamanaka lecture

Newsletter Vol. 42 を掲載しました


Vol. 42 of our newsletter has just been issued and can be viewed at:




対象者 :45歳未満の博士号取得者

独立行政法人日本学術振興会 人材育成事業部研究者養成課
〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1
TEL:03-3263-0912 FAX:03-3222-1986


米国の高等教育情報2016年12月分 を掲載しました。

Research in Japan (Mar 1) 事業説明会を開催しました

With the generous support of the UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs, nearly 25 researchers gathered at UC San Diego Jacobs Hall to learn about fully-funded fellowships to Japan and make connections across departments.

The session drew a variety of researchers at different career stages, including graduate students, postdocs and professors from UC San Diego and The Scripps Research Institute.

JSPS would like to thank JSPS fellowship alumni and UC San Diego Professor Mark Ellisman, Department of Neurosciences, and The Scripps Research Institute Assistant Professor Keary M Engle, Department of Chemistry, for sharing their experiences researching in Japan. Their talks were the highlights of the session, providing valuable insight through their first-hand experiences.

JSPS also thanks Kaori Kanemaru, JSPS Fellow from Japan, UC San Diego Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Satoshi Kabasawa, President of the Japanese Universities Network of the Bay Area (JUNBA) and Regional Director at Osaka University North American Center, for their participation in the short networking event following the session. Their participation added depth to the discussion as they were able to share viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and make connections that could lead to international and interdisciplinary research collaborations.

JSPS San Francisco thanks all attendees, and will continue to hold regular fellowship information sessions.



For more information about JSPS Fellowships, please click here.

UC Berkeley CJS Symposium “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” カリフォルニア大学バークレー校との共催シンポジウムを開催しました

On February 24 and 25, JSPS San Francisco and the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), University of California, Berkeley held a joint symposium on “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” at the International House in Berkeley.

The objective of this symposium was to bring together scholars of Japanese Studies from Japan and the US to discuss the future of Japan in academic communities.  The symposium started with opening remarks by Professor Dana Buntrock, Chair of CJS, and Dr. Toru Tamiya, Director of JSPS San Francisco. More than 20 scholars came together to discuss five topics over the course of two days: “Cross-Cultural Exchanges: Study Abroad and Its Impact”, “Language Education and Where It Leads”, “Are Science, Technology, Engineering and Math a Part of Area Studies of Above it?”, “Media Gateways, Transnational Frames”, and “Area Studies Under Threat: How Will Japan be Taught in the Years Ahead?”. JSPS sponsored four session speakers: Professor Shingo Ashizawa, Toyo University, Professor Masayo Fujimoto, Doshisha University, Professor Mayumi Usami, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, and Professor Shunya Yoshimi, the University of Tokyo.

These sessions were followed by a keynote speech by Professor Patricia Steinhoff from the University of Hawaii. She shared her wealth of research experience with the participants and gave insight on the future of Japanese Studies in academic communities in the age of globalization.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to support such symposiums, and maintain a strong partnership with CJS.


JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” を2017年2月24日、25日に開催しました。


【Event】Research in Japan (Mar 1) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Dear Member of the UC San Diego Research Community,

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), in collaboration with the UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs, will host a lunch meeting about JSPS’s fellowship opportunities for those at UC San Diego interested to conduct research in Japan. The event consists of informational presentations by JSPS and talks by researchers who received the fellowships in the past. The talks will be followed by light, networking lunch.

Fellowships for Research in Japan Information Session
Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 12:00-1:00PM
Qualcomm Conference Room, 1F Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

Last-semester doctoral students, postdocs, faculty members (all fields)**

**Details about fellowship eligibility can be found on our website: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org/fellowships.html

12:00 Fellowship Information
12:15 Alumni talk / Q&A
12:30 Light Lunch / Networking

The event is free of charge.
For RSVP or inquiries about the event, please contact us at:

For more information about JSPS, please visit our website.

We look forward to seeing you there!

JSPS Fellowships Session 3.1



第33回国際生物学賞受賞候補者の推薦受付を開始しました/Call for Nominations for the 2017 (33rd) International Prize for Biology


推薦方法:“NOMINATION FORM”に必要事項を英文でご記入の上、候補者の業績を簡潔に記した推薦書(英文)を添付し、以下送付先までメールまたは郵送でお送りください。
郵 送:〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 国際生物学賞事務局


独立行政法人日本学術振興会 国際生物学賞事務局

The Call for Nominations of 2017 (33rd) International Prize for Biology was opened.

The International Prize for Biology is a commemorative prize to celebrate the sixty-year reign of Emperor Showa and his longtime devotion to biological research. It also pays tribute to the present Emperor, His Majesty, Emperor Akihito, who has striven for many years to advance the study of gobioid fish taxonomy while contributing continuously to the developing of this Prize.

Based on nominations gathered from around the world, the Prize is awarded annually to a researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to make advance in biological sciences.

The research field of this year’s Prize is “Marine Biology.” In this field of Biology, we would like to invite you to nominate a candidate for the 2017 Prize by filling out the Nomination Form, to be accompanied with a brief statement of the nominee’s achievements.

-2017 (33rd) International Prize for Biology-
The research field of the 2017 Prize: Marine Biology
Deadline: April 21, 2017
by e-mail: ip-biology@jsps.go.jp
by mail: Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
5-3-1 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0083, JAPAN

Please find the Nomination Form and the details about the Prize on our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-biol

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and we look forward to receiving an excellent nomination from you.

Sincerely yours,

Heisuke Hironaka
Chair, Committee on the International Prize for Biology

Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Email: ip-biology@jsps.go.jp