【開催案内】JSPS主催 日本人研究者交流会 2017年度冬(2/3)

 当センターでは、毎年、米国において活躍されている日本人研究者の方々の分野を越えた交流を促進し、必要な情報を得たり、友好を深められたりすることを通じて、研究活動を一層充実させていただくことを目的に、交流会を開催しております。このたび、下記の日程で、当センター主催「日本人研究者交流会 2017年度冬」を開催することとしました。当日は、講演(講演者は村山斉氏(UCバークレー校教授))、JSPS Bridge Award授賞式及び懇親会等の実施を予定しております。

 JSPS Bridge Awardは、アメリカにおける大学等の研究機関に所属し、優れた研究活動を行っている日本人研究者の日本への一時帰国を支援することにより、当該研究者が行う①日本の研究機関に所属する研究者との共同研究、②学会・研究会を通じた研究者交流、③若手研究者向けセミナーの開催等を通じて、日米の国際研究協力を推進するとともに、国際的な研究環境で活躍する若手研究者の育成を促進することを目的とした事業です。




《日本人研究者交流会 2017年度冬について》

○内容:14:00~15:00:「JSPS Bridge Award授賞式」
             1.Dr. Eishi Asano
               Professor, Pediatrics & Neurology, Wayne State University
              Director, Neurodiagnostics, Children’s Hospital of Michigan

             2.Dr. Shoichiro Ono
              Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Emory University

○会場:DAVID BROWER CENTER, The Goldman Theater(1F) (2150 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704)


○より多くの方々に参加していただきたいので、お近くに参加対象となる方がいらっしゃい ましたら、本イベントについて広くご紹介いただければ幸いです。



サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 担当 大山
JSPS San Francisco Office
Phone: +1-510-665-1890
Email: gathering@jspsusa-sf.org
Website: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org

【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, Stanford University(January 30, 2018) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Tuesday, January 30, 2018, Stanford University, Philippines Cnference Room, 3rd Floor Encina Hall

12:00 pm – Fellowship program explanation
12:15 pm – JSPS Alumni talk/Q&A with past JSPS grantee
12:35 pm – Light lunch and networking
RSVP for Stanford University Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.


2017 CJS-JSPS International Symposium “Drive for the Nobel Prize”

 The JSPS San Francisco and the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) held a joint symposium titled “Drive for the Nobel Prize” at the International House in Berkeley on October 31 and November 1.
 The objective of this symposium was to discuss the influence that the Nobel Prize has on individuals, institutions and society. The symposium started with opening remarks from UCB chancellor, Carol Christ and Mariko Kobayashi, Director of the International Program at JSPS. Dana Buntrock, Chair of CJS, also gave some context and background to the topic at hand.
 Nobel laureates, Yuan T Lee (Chemistry, 1986), Saul Perlmutter (Physics, 2011) and Takaaki Kajita (Physics, 2015) delivered lectures on their research and the topic of the event to more than 80 scholars. The distinguished guests also took numerous questions from the audience.

 The second day included panel discussions on three different topics: “Journalism and the Nobel Prize”, “The Nobel Prize’s Impact on Institutions” and “The Nobel as an Incentive”. The panelists included a Nobel selection committee member, several writers (from Science, New York Times and the Asahi Shimbun), officials from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEXT), and researchers from the US and Japan.

 The JSPS San Francisco will continue to support such symposia while maintaing its close relationship with UCB.

 JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム “Drive for the Nobel Prize”を2017年10月31日、11 月1日に開催しました。






Research in Japan @ University of California, Davis (November 8) 事業説明会を開催しました

  JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, Davis. With the generous help of Jennie Konsella-Norene(Assistant Director,Sponsored Programs and Special Projects), 23 researchers gathered at the University of California, Davis, International Center, 3rd floor Conference Room to learn about fully-funded fellowships to Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.
  The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.
  The JSPS would like to thank alumni THOMAS L. ROST (Professor Emeritus, Department of Plant Biology, College of Biological Sciences) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.
  The JSPS also thanks our guest from the Japanese University Network in Bay Area (JUNBA), Yoichi Aizawa (Executive Director, San Francisco Office, WASEDA USA) for his participation in the short networking event following the session. He shared his views on the state of research in Japan.
  JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.
  For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/



Research in Japan @ University of California, Los Angeles (October 26) 事業説明会を開催しました

  JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
  The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.
  The JSPS would like to thank alumni Mathew Malkan (Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.
  The JSPS also thanks Cherie Francis(Coordinator,Fellowships 3 Financial Services in UCLA)for participating in the short networking event following the session.
  JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.
  For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/



 日時: 2017年10月23日(月) 午前10時30分~午後3時40分



 講師として、藤田 斉之 氏(UC Davis, Director of New Academic Initiatives, Center for International Education)をお招きし、『米国留学・就職が与えてくれたもの{学びの「本質」と「自由、そして「自分の為の人生」を全うすること」}~アメリカで人生を切り開いた具体例~』をテーマにご講演いただきました。





Research in Japan @ University of California, Berkeley (October 18) 事業説明会を開催しました

  JSPS San Francisco held fellowship information and networking sessions at the University of California, Berkeley(UCB).
  The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.
  The JSPS would like to thank alumni John Harte (Professor, Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management) for sharing his experiences researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the sessions, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.
  The JSPS also thanks a guest from Japanese University Network in Bay Area (JUNBA), Kazuhiko Hasegawa (Regional Director, Osaka University North American Center for Academic Initiatives) and Ichiro Hashimoto (Consul (Science and Technology), Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco) for their participation in the short networking event following the session. They shared their views on the state of research in Japan.
  JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.
  For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/

Research in Japan @ University of Washington (October 12) 事業説明会を開催しました

 JSPS San Francisco held fellowship information and networking sessions at the University of Washington. With the generous help of the UW Graduate School, 61 participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

 The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

 The JSPS would like to thank alumni Steven W. Collins (Associate Professor, Division of Engineering & Mathematics, University of Washington, School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS Fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experiences.

 The JSPS also thanks guests from Japanese University Network in the Bay Area (JUNBA), Kazuhiko Hasegawa (Regional Director, Osaka University North American Center for Academic Initiatives) and Mari Maruyama (Executive Director, Obirin Gakuen Foundation of America) for their participation in the short networking event following the session. They shared viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and their experience of accepting overseas researchers.

  JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

  For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, University of California, Davis (November 8, 2017) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Wednesday, November 8, UCD,International Center, 3rd floor Conference Room
12:00 pm – Fellowship program explanation
12:20 pm – JSPS Alumni talk/Q&A with past JSPS grantee
12:30 pm – Light lunch and networking
RSVP for UCD Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.


【Event】the University of California (UC), Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies – JSPS international symposium “Drive for the Nobel Prize”

On October 31 and November 1, the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), the University of California(UC), Berkeley and JSPS San Francisco hold a joint international symposium titled “Drive for the Nobel Prize” at the International House at UC Berkeley.

Date:Oct 31st (Tue), Nov 1st(Wed)
Venue: UC, Berkeley International House

This symposium features public talks by Nobel Laureates Yuan T. Lee (Chemistry, 1986), Saul Perlmutter (Physics, 2011) and Takaaki Kajita (Physics, 2015), as well as several exciting panel discussions on the Nobel Prize’s impact on institutions, journalism, and research.

For more details on this event, please visit the following website:
Event detail

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

【開催案内】カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム「Drive for the Nobel Prize」の開催について

JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、来る2017年10月31日、11月1日の両日、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校において、同校日本研究センターと共催で国際シンポジウム「Drive for the Nobel Prize」を開催いたします。

会場:カリフォルニア大学バークレー校International House

当日は、2015年ノーベル物理学賞受賞の梶田隆章氏、2011年ノーベル物理学賞受賞Saul Perlmutter氏、1986年ノーベル化学賞受賞のYuan T. Lee氏の講演のほか、ノーベル委員会委員、政策担当者、マスコミなど日米の幅広い関係者を招いたパネルディスカッションを行います。一般公開ですので、奮ってご参加ください。

Event detailはこちら

【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, University of California, Los Angeles(October 26, 2017) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Thurs, October 26, Young Research Library Main Conference Room 11360
12:00 pm –JSPS Alumni talk with past JSPS grantee
12:15 pm –Fellowship program explanation / Q&A
12:30 pm –Light lunch and networking
RSVP for UCLA Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, University of California, Berkeley(October 18, 2017) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Thu, October 18, University of California, Berkeley
International House, Sproul Rooms

12:00 pm – Fellowship program explanation
12:15 pm – JSPS Alumni talk/Q&A with past JSPS grantee
12:30 pm – Light lunch and networking
RSVP for Faculty-focused Session

1:30 pm – Fellowship program explanation
1:45 pm – Q&A Session
2:30 pm – Coffee/dessert and networking
RSVP for Pre-PhD/Postdoc-focused Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, University of Washington(October 12, 2017) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?

Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available:
• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options
directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Thu, October 12, University of Washington HUB250
5:00-6:30 PM

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.



【開催案内】在米大学職員研究会 (10/23)

 この会は、研修等で米国大学に派遣されている大学職員の皆様のスタッフデベロップメント(SD)の一環として、2009年から毎年度開催している研修プログラムです。当研究連絡センターが所在するカリフォルニア州は、州のマスタープランに基づき、UC(カリフォルニア大学)、CSU(カリフォルニア州立大学)、CCC(コミュニティカレッジ)という3層にわたる公立高等教育を提供し、その3層をスタンフォード大学を始めとする私立大学が取り巻くという特徴的な高等教育制度で、世界的にも高い研究成果を挙げています。そのような背景を踏まえ、当研究連絡センターは、「Academia Oriented」な活動を幅広く展開しており、「在米大学職員研究会」は大学の国際化を目指した大学職員のSDとして実施しています。


場所:JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センター内 会議室(2001 Addison Street, Suite 260 Berkeley, CA 94704)



 藤田 斉之 氏 UC Davis, Director of New Academic Initiatives, Center for International Education




(独)日本学術振興会 (JSPS)サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 大山
2001 Addison St. #260 Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: +1-510-665-1890 Fax: +1-510-665-1891
E-mail: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org