JSPS日本人研究者交流会 2018年度夏を開催しました。

1 日時  2018年8月18日(土)午後1時30分~午後7時30分

2 場所  DAVID BROWER CENTER Tamalpais Room











The Symposium “AI and the Future of Society : A Global Approach to Understanding the Digital Disruption” in University of California, San Diego

JSPS and JFIT held a symposium “AI and the Future of Society: A Global Approach to Understanding the Digital Disruption” on April 27 and 28 in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the German Institute for Japan Studies and several other organizations.


The conference brought together scholars from Japan, the U.S. and Germany, to explore the “state of the art” of social science thinking about the ongoing technological disruption, innovation, and national policy responses in different countries. The Conference was open to many different lines of inquiry, including:


  • What are the new complexities of the men-machine relationship, ongoing societal challenges, and new issues such as job replacement or ethical priority rankings of self-driven cars or automated surgeons?
  • How are large companies responding to the disruption: what are new business models, corporate strategies, or operations management and human resource practices?
  • How should we think about new regulatory structures and global agreements, e.g. on privacy and cybersecurity, in the health sciences, or for robots and drones?
  • What are the legal, ethical and societal challenges associated with the fast pace of technological change?
  • What is the impact of these developments on innovation and entrepreneurship, including government policies and market responses such as newly emerging corporate innovation strategies?


The conference had a high degree of interdisciplinary exchange. We are pleased to see this event serve as the inaugural conference of a new research initiative on digitization and the future of society from a global perspective. JSPS will continue to support such academic symposia that helps strengthen international cooperative networks.


当センターでは、毎年、米国において活躍されている日本人研究者の方々の分野を越えた交流を促進し、必要な情報を得たり、友好を深めたりすることを通じて、研究活動を一層充実させていただくことを目的に、交流会を開催しております。このたび、例年7月頃開催しておりましたが今年度は下記の日程で、当センター主催「日本人研究者交流会 2018年度夏」を開催することとしました。会の詳細につきましては、後日改めてご連絡いたしますが、2017年度と同様に研究紹介、講演(講演者は平貴昭氏(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校))及びグループディスカッションの実施を予定しております。




《日本人研究者交流会 2018年度夏について》




○会場:DAVID BROWER CENTER (2150 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704)




○講演者:平貴昭氏(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校地震研究所 Associate Research Seismologist)


















サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 担当 濱嶋

JSPS San Francisco Office

Phone:  +1-510-665-1890

Email:  gathering@jspsusa-sf.org

Website:  http://www.jspsusa-sf.org



NAFSA 2018 Annual Conferenceに参加しました

From May 29-30, JSPS San Francisco staff joined the NAFSA 2018 Annual Conference & Expo, “Diverse Voices, Shared Commitment”, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The annual NAFSA conference is a large-scale event focused on international education. Nearly one million educators and other stakeholders from over 3,500 institutions all over the world attend the event. Participants learn about the latest trends in international education at numerous sessions and seminars. In addition, NAFSA offers a great networking opportunity for universities seeking institutional partnerships. Our staff participated in various seminars and sessions about inNAFSA 2018 Annual Meeting JSPSWO-SFternational education.

・NAFSA 2018 Annual Meeting 参加レポート

Research in Japan @ University of California, Santa Cruz (May 24) 事業説明会を開催しました


JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, Santa Cruz. With the generous help of George Sabo (Director of Global Initiatives, Division of Global Engagement, University of California, Santa Cruz), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

The JSPS appreciate alumni Francis Nimmo (Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, UC Santa Cruz) and Yihsu Chen(Associate professor, Department of Technology Management, UC Santa Cruz) for sharing their experiences researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. Their talks were the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through their first-hand experience.
The JSPS also thanks our guest from the Japanese University Network in Bay Area (JUNBA), Yoichi Aizawa (Executive Director, San Francisco Office, WASEDA USA) for his participation in the short networking event following the session. He shared his views on the state of research in Japan.


JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/












【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, UC Santa Cruz (May 24, 2018) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?

Hundreds of funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Thursday, May 24, 2018

11:00AM – 12:00PM

UC Santa Cruz, Bay Tree Conference Center, Cervantes and Velasquez Conference Room

(RSVP here)

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.






























Research in Japan @ University of California, San Diego (April 27) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, San Diego. With the generous help of Virginia Hazen (Program Manager, Postdoc Professional Development Office of Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar Affairs, UC San Diego), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

The JSPS appreciate alumni Stuart Anstis (Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, UC San Diego) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/









【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, UC San Diego (April 27, 2018) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM,
multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.
International Fellowships for Research in Japan

Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*
Friday, April 27, 2018
UC San Diego, Leichtag Building, Room 107

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.















(ご案内)第34回国際生物学賞受賞候補者の推薦について / Call for Nominations for the 2018 (34th) International Prize for Biology


推薦方法:日本学術振興会のウェブサイト(http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-biol/index.html)にアクセスし、国際生物学賞電子推薦受付フォーム(“NOMINATION FORM”)に必要事項を英文でご記入の上、あらかじめ作成した“Nominee Achievement Form”と共にご提出ください。
郵 送;〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-1
独立行政法人日本学術振興会 国際生物学賞事務局
締 切:平成30年4月20日(金)


独立行政法人日本学術振興会 国際生物学賞事務局

The Call for Nominations of 2018 (34th) International Prize for Biology was opened.

The International Prize for Biology is a commemorative prize to celebrate the sixty-year reign of Emperor Showa and his longtime devotion to biological research. It also pays tribute to the present Emperor, His Majesty, Emperor Akihito, who has striven for many years to advance the study of gobioid fish taxonomy while contributing continuously to the developing of this Prize.

Based on nominations gathered from around the world, the Prize is awarded annually to a researcher who has made an outstanding contribution to make advance in biological sciences.

The research field of this year’s Prize is “Paleontology.” In this regard, I would like to invite you to nominate a recipient for the 2018 Prize. Please go to the International Prize for Biology Awards page at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science website (http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-biol/index.html), download the nomination format, type the necessary information in English in the prescribed forms and send them to the secretariat by e-nomination form.

-2018 (34th) International Prize for Biology-
The research field of the 2018 Prize: Paleontology
Deadline: April 20, 2018
by e-mail: ip-biology@jsps.go.jp
by mail: Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
5-3-1 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0083, JAPAN

Please find the details about the Prize on our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-biol

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and we look forward to receiving an excellent nomination from you.

Sincerely yours,

Hiroo Imura
Chair, Committee on the International Prize for Biology

Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Email: ip-biology@jsps.go.jp


Research in Japan @ UC San Diego (February 21) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco recently held fellowship information and networking sessions at UC San Diego. With the generous help of the Office of Research Affairs, especially from Director Miwako Waga, participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew researchers from different career stages, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

The JSPS would like to thank Miroslav Krstic (Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research) for giving some opening remarks and JSPS alumni Stuart Anstis (Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS Fellowship. Their talks were the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through their first-hand experiences.

The JSPS also thanks guests from Japanese University Network in the Bay Area (JUNBA), Kazuhiko Hasegawa (Regional Director, Osaka University North American Center for Academic Initiatives) for his participation in the short networking event following the session. He shared viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and his experience of accepting overseas researchers.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/






Stanford Symposium “The Political Economy of Japan under the Abe”Co-sponsored by JSPS

On February 8-9, a conference on “The Political Economy of Japan under the Abe Government” was held at Stanford University. The conference was co-sponsored by Stanford University’s Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) in partnership with the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

The event featured deep insight from experts in a variety of fields, including energy, environment, governance, international relations, and security from both Japan and the United States. During his opening remarks JSPS San Francisco Office Director Toru Tamiya, thanked the participants for their contributions. The objective of this conference was to present and discuss papers that addressed the political economy of the Abe administration focusing on the following three themes: First, what economic policies has the Abe government sought to implement and to what extent they have achieved their objectives particularly in regards to the “Abenomics” and “Womenomics” platforms? Second, how has the Abe government influenced some of the longstanding debates in Japanese politics? Some panels argued that this administration represents a significant change from the many years of political transition and instability. Third, how has Abe’s foreign policy focusing on security influenced the broader region? Also discussed was Japan’s energy policy in the aftermath of Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011. The papers presented at the conference will be edited into a conference volume that should be published by 2020.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to support events like this that strengthen global academic exchange.

For more information about JSPS San Francisco Office, please contact us: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org or visit our website: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org/index.php

JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、スタンフォード大学との共催シンポジウム “The Political Economy of Japan under the Abe”(安倍政権における日本の政治経済学) を2018年2月8日-9日に開催しました。



1 日時  2018年2月3日(土)午後2時00分~午後7時00分
2 場所  DAVID BROWER CENTER The Goldman Theater, Gallery


会では、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授/東京大学国際高等研究所カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構機構長の村山斉先生により、「宇宙の誕生、進化と未来を探る新しい目」と題した講演が行われました。世界トップレベル研究拠点(WPI)プログラムKAVLI IPMUの取組みや、重力波で宇宙を見る重力波天文学への期待、宇宙研究に関する最新動向について参加者は熱心に耳を傾けていました。質疑応答の時間では、アカデミックな質問から日米両国で活躍されるトップ研究者としてのキャリアまで、多岐に渡り多くの質問が出され、大変有意義な時間となりました。

続く懇親会からは、日本人研究者に加え、JSPSの事業を通じて渡日経験のある米国大学所属のJSPS Alumniにも参加いただき、日米の研究者の研究分野を超えた意見交換、交流、ネットワークづくりの場として、実り多い会となりました。

また、これに合わせて、JSPS Bridge Award (http://jspsusa.org/wp/bridgeaward/)の第1回授賞式を執り行いました。JSPS Bridge Awardは、アメリカにおける大学等の研究機関に所属し優れた研究活動を行っている日本人研究者の日本への一時帰国を支援し、日米の国際研究協力を推進するとともに、国際的な研究環境で活躍する若手研究者の育成を促進することを目的に、JSPSの2つの米国研究連絡センター共同事業として創設し、第1回となる今年度は、浅野英司教授(Pediatrics & Neurology , Wayne State University)、斧正一郎准教授(Department of Pathology, Emory University)のお二人が受賞しました。授賞式では、JSPSワシントン研究連絡センターの平田光司センター長及び当センターの田宮徹センター長から受賞者に賞状・記念品を授与されるとともに、引き続き、受賞者2名による研究紹介等が行われ、会場から多くの質問が出ていました。

次回は、JSPS日本人研究者交流会 2018年度夏をベイエリアで開催予定です。

JSPS would like to thank all of the Japanese researchers and JSPS alumni who attended the JSPS Researcher Reception on February 3, 2018.

We aim to continue expanding the network of Japanese researchers and JSPS alumni on the west coast and look forward to furthering connections at our event. We keep you up to date with our next events through our website and/or mailing list.


(Bridge Award 授賞式)


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, UCB (March 13, 2018) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?
Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.
International Fellowships for Research in Japan

Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
UC Berkeley, Sproul Hall(3rd floor)

12:00 – Opening remarks
12:05 – Presentation on JSPS
12:10 – Presentation on fellowship eligibility and application procedures
12:25 – Fellowship alumni talk
12:40 – Q/A session and networking

RSVP for UCB Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan, UCSD (February 21, 2018) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?

Hundreds of attractive funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.
International Fellowships for Research in Japan

Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
UC San Diego Jacobs Hall
1st Floor Qualcomm Conference Room

11:30 – 11:50 fellowship program overview (Faculty-focused)
JSPS Alumni talk / Q&A
11:50 – 12:10 Light lunch / networking
12:10 – 12:30 fellowship program overview (Pre-PhD/postdoc-focused)
JSPS Alumni talk / Q&A JSPS

RSVP for UCSD Info Session

*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.

