2019年度 卓越研究員事業の募集 The Call for Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) in FY 2019

English follows the Japanese text.


















Phone: +81-(0)3-3263-3769、+81-(0)3-3263-0978




Phone: +81-(0)3-6734-4021



Public offering of Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) in FY 2019 has been opened. This project works to show new career paths to young researchers who can succeed in the national-wide research institutions run by industry, academia and government, while creating a stable and independent position for young researchers that is conducive to tackling new areas of research. With these objectives at its core, the LEADER program was launched by MEXT.


Those who wish to apply should check the application procedure and submit application documents through the electronic application system by the application deadline.

【Application period】

From 10:00 a.m., Friday, March 22, 2019 to 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2019(JST)


The posts offered from the research institution will be publicized on the website of JSPS in late February.


In addition, we will hold Program briefings for researchers on the following schedule. (* Only in Japanese)

・(1st)  Tokyo: Saturday, March 2, 2019

・(2nd)  Osaka : Saturday, March 9, 2019

・(3rd)  Tokyo : Tuesday, March 19, 2019


If you are interested in this project, please visit the website below and obtain detailed information by “Application Guidelines” etc.

JSPS HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-le/koubo_kenkyu.html

MEXT HP: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/jinzai/takuetsu/index.htm


If you have any questions, please e-mail to the below address.


Research Fellowship Division Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)

E-mail: takuken@jsps.go.jp

【Project in general】

Human Resources Policy Promotion Office, Human Resources Policy Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, MEXT

E-mail: takuetsu@mext.go.jp


JSPS日本人研究者交流会 2018年度冬を開催しました。

1 日時  2019年2月2日(土)午後2時00分~午後6時30分






会の冒頭には、JSPS Bridge Award (http://jspsusa.org/wp/bridgeaward/)の第2回授賞式を執り行いました。JSPS Bridge Awardは、アメリカにおける大学等の研究機関に所属し優れた研究活動を行っている日本人研究者の日本への一時帰国を支援し、日米の国際研究協力を推進するとともに、国際的な研究環境で活躍する若手研究者の育成を促進することを目的に、JSPSの2つの米国研究連絡センター共同事業として創設されたものです。今年度は、井上尊生氏(Professor, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University)、平貴昭氏 (Associate Research Seismologist, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley)のお二人が受賞しました。授賞式では、JSPSワシントン研究連絡センターの平田光司センター長及び当センターの田宮徹センター長から受賞者に賞状・記念品が授与され、続いて受賞者2名による研究紹介が行われました。

続く懇親会は、日本人研究者に加え、JSPSの事業を通じて渡日経験のある米国大学所属のJSPS Alumniにも参加いただき、日米の研究者の研究分野を超えた意見交換、交流、ネットワークづくりの場として、実り多い会となりました。


JSPS Bridge Award授賞式


2018 CJS-JSPS International Symposium“Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US”

Technology has the potential to greatly improve access and allow for the full participation of disabled individuals in society. Both Japan and the US have invested considerable sums in this effort, but often research is conducted apart from key stakeholders.

To discuss these issues, JSPS San Francisco (JSPS) and the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) held a joint symposium titled “Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US” at the David Brower Center in Berkeley on December 7 and December 8.

This symposium brought technologists, anthropologists, engineers, activists, educators, and other researchers working at the nexus of technology, access, and design together for a two-day symposium in Berkeley, the home of the independent living movement. The majority of the participants identify as disabled people.

The symposium started with opening remarks from Dana Buntrock, Chair of CJS. Toru Tamiya, Director of JSPS SF, also gave some context and background to the theme presented by Dr. Karen Nakamura, the organizing chair from UCB.

Each speaker gave a 20 minute presentation on their current research. Afterwards the speakers took comments and questions from the audience. The symposium also included a screening of two documentary movies, “Deej” and “Fixed”. The director and casts of these films then participated in a panel discussion on its production.

Finally, Dr. Karen Nakamura, the organizing chair of the symposium, presented the “CripTech Manifesto version 0.1” arguing that the “CripTech movement” needs to be inclusive and take a holistic view of disability.  Dr. Nakamura drew attention to three specific concepts relating to the event’s theme:

  1. One needs to understand disability’s intersections with poverty, gender, sexuality racialized minoritization, access to healthcare and housing along with the effects of trauma, war, and dislocation
  2. No one can understand or speak for all disabilities and no one can understand or speak for all variations of their own disability.
  3. We cannot deem some disabilities “bad” that are not discussed (addiction and fatness being two examples of marginalized groups within the disabled community).

The symposium was a successful collaboration between the research communities in Japan and the US and bodes well for the potential future joint efforts in this exciting and important field.

JSPS, San Francisco will continue to support such symposia while maintaining its close relationship with UCB and CJS.


JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム “Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US”を2018年12月7日(金)、12 月8日(土)に開催しました。







Research in Japan @ University of California, Davis (November 27) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at University of California, Davis (November 27). With the generous help of Jennie Konsella-Norene (Assistant Director, Global Professional Programs/Administrative Director, Mandela Washington Fellowship Global Affairs), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

JSPS also thanks the member from the Japanese Universities Network of the Bay Area (JUNBA), Yoichi Aizawa (Executive Director, San Francisco Office, WASEDA USA) for introduction of Waseda university and participation in the short networking event following the session. Their participation added depth to the discussion as they were able to share viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and make connections that could lead to international and interdisciplinary research collaborations.


JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/




The Symposium“Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Applications” in University of California, Los Angeles

On November 15 and 16, JSPS and UCLA cosponsored the symposium, “Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Applications” in cooperation with Kyoto University, the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI), the David Geffen School of Medicine, and the Office of Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Affairs (ICCA).

The symposium brought researchers from both Japan and the U.S. to present their research and promote academic exchanges between the two countries. During the two day symposium participants discussed the convergence of physical sciences, nanomaterials, the nanobio interface and biomedical sciences. Dr. Fuyuhiko Tamanoi (UCLA/Kyoto University), the organizing chair, said the purpose of this symposium was to bring together scientists from diverse fields to discuss critical issues and translational potential while furthering cross pollination between disciplines.

The symposium covered some of the following topics:

  • Physical forces: beams, particles, light, magnetic field, and sound.
  • Physical forces and cancer therapy: boron neutron capture therapy, and monochromatic X-ray radiation.
  • Imaging: MRI, PET, single molecule imaging, and cryoEM.
  • Nanomaterials: Stimuli-responsive nanomaterials.
  • How Physical force is used in biology: contractile nanotube system, and cell surface and membrane.
  • How cells and organs interface with nanomaterials.
  • New industry and commercial development: innovation, and medical instrumentation.

Throughout the two day event presenters took a variety of comments and questions. Hopefully the experience will provide researchers with food for thought and help inspire the future development of their research field going forward. JSPS will continue to support such academic symposia that helps strengthen international cooperative networks.



The Symposium “World Premier Research in Japan”(24,25 January 2019)


  • About Event

Since its establishment in 2003, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s San Francisco Office (JSPS SF: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org/index.php) has been supporting exchange between the Japanese and American researcher communities while acting as a hub for Japanese universities’ West Coast offices and their networking activities. This 15th anniversary event is to highlight the achievements of the international research centers established by the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI). These globally visible research centers focus on a wide range of fields such as energy, chemistry, plant biology and astrophysics. This 15th anniversary event goes for two days. The program will be followed by networking receptions at the end of each day.

This event is FREE and open to the public. To register, click here

  • Date & Venue

Day 1
Thursday, 24 January 2019 | 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
International House, University of California, Berkeley
2299 Piedmont Avenue Berkeley, CA 94720

Day 2
Friday, 25 January 2019 | 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Paul G. Allen Building, 101X Auditorium, Stanford University

330 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
Note: ・Networking reception will start 5:30 pm.

・The same program is planned on each date.

・The plan might be changed in the future.


  • Participating Japanese Universities

Kavli IPMU | The University of Tokyo
“Cross-Disciplinary Research Center for Addressing the Origin and Evolution of the Universe”

AIMR | Tohoku University
“Aiming to Establish a Premier Research Center for Materials Science”

I²CNER | Kyushu University
“The Grand Highway for a Carbon-Neutral Energy Fueled World”

ITbM | Nagoya University
“Changing the World with Molecules: Synthetic Chemistry and Plant/Animal Biology”


  • Topics  | Speakers

(1) Kavli IPMU
– Kavli IPMU | Founding Director/Principal Investigator,  Hitoshi Murayama
– Lyman-Alpha Forest Tomography: Mapping the Shadows of the Cosmic Web at High Noon | Project Assistant Professor, Khee‐Gan Lee
(2) AIMR
– Materials research in the digitalized society | Director/Principal Investigator, Motoko Kotani
– Oxide electronics: converting insulators into electronic materials  | Professor/Principal Investigator, Tomoteru Fukumura
(3) I²CNER
– Engineering Carbon‐Neutral Energy Solutions and Cultural Bridges Across the Pacific  | Director/Principal Investigator, Petros Sofronis
– Efficient and Stable Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells  | Associate Professor, Toshinori Matsushima
(4) ITbM
– Institute of Transformative Bio‐Molecules (ITbM): Changing the World with Molecules  | Administrative Director/ Designated Professor, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
– A bump-and-hole strategy toward freehand manipulation of plant hormone signaling  | Designated Associate Professor,  Naoyuki Uchida


  • Inquiries

Have questions about World Premier Research in Japan (JSPS)? Contact JSPS San Francisco. Email: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org

  • RSVP

Please RSVP on our event website: https://goo.gl/forms/eLllE3MirXpLRPrl1





この度、下記の日程で、当センター主催「日本人研究者交流会 2018年度冬」を開催いたします。小児心臓外科医として第一線でご活躍の佐野俊二氏(UCサンフランシスコ校教授)の基調講演及び懇親会等の実施を予定しております。



《日本人研究者交流会 2018年度冬について》




○会場:DAVID BROWER CENTER (2150 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704)




○講演者:佐野俊二氏 (Professor of Surgery, University California San Francisco)


















サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 担当 濱嶋

JSPS San Francisco Office

Phone:  +1-510-665-1890

Email:  gathering@jspsusa-sf.org

Website:  http://www.jspsusa-sf.org


Research in Japan @ University of California, Irvine (November16) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, Irvine. With the generous help of Mary Frances Ypma-Wong (Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) Graduate Division, University of California, Irvine), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

The JSPS appreciate alumni Suzanne A. Blum (Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine) for sharing her experience researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. Her talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.


JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/









Research in Japan @ University of California, Los Angeles (November 15) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at the University of California, Los Angeles. With the generous help of Shannon Yu (Fellowships and Financial Services, UCLA) and Fuyuhiko Tamanoi(Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics, UCLA), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/









講演会講師には、青島 宏一郎氏(サンフランシスコ州立大学 Assistant Director, International Student Services & Outreach, Office of International Programs)をお招きし、米国でのこれまでのご経験から、現在勤務されているサンフランシスコ州立大学での業務内容まで幅広くお話をいただきました。サンフランシスコ州立大学の事例紹介では、交換留学(短期~正規留学)・リクルートマーケティングについて、また職員の雇用形態に至るまで幅広く情報共有があり、参加者が米国大学での職員の業務について深く理解することができました。






Research in Japan @ University of British Colombia (November 8) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at University of British Colombia (November 8). With the generous help of Sarah Henderson (Human Resources and Postdoctoral Affairs Assistant, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of British Colombia), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

JSPS also thanks the member from the Japanese Universities Network of the Bay Area (JUNBA), Kazuhiko Hasegawa (Regional Director, Osaka University North American Center for Academic initiatives) for introduction of Osaka university and participation in the short networking event following the session. Their participation added depth to the discussion as they were able to share viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and make connections that could lead to international and interdisciplinary research collaborations.

JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/


Research in Japan @ University of Washington, (November 7) 事業説明会を開催しました

JSPS San Francisco held a fellowship information and networking session at University of Washington (November 7). With the generous help of Michelle Drapek (Assistant Director, Fellowships & Awards, Graduate School, University of Washington), participants came to learn about the JSPS’s fully-funded fellowships for research in Japan and to connect with fellow researchers.

The sessions drew a variety of researchers at different career stages from different fields, including late-term doctoral students, postdocs and faculty members.

The JSPS appreciate alumni Steven W. Collins (Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Division of Engineering and Mathematics, School of STEM, University of Washington) for sharing his experience researching in Japan on a JSPS fellowship. His talk was the highlight of the session, providing valuable insight through his first-hand experience.

JSPS also thanks the members from the Japanese Universities Network of the Bay Area (JUNBA), Mari Maruyama(Executive Director, Obirin Gakuen Foundation of America) , Kazuhiko Hasegawa(Regional Director, Osaka University North American Center for Academic Initiatives), Yoichi  Aizawa(Executive Director, San Francisco Office, WASEDA USA), for introduction of their universities and participation in the short networking event following the session. Their participation added depth to the discussion as they were able to share viewpoints about the state of research in Japan and make connections that could lead to international and interdisciplinary research collaborations.


JSPS San Francisco will continue to hold regular networking info sessions at universities around the Bay Area. All interested researchers are welcome to attend.

For more information about upcoming info sessions, as well as fellowship eligibility, and other details, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office: fellowships@jspsusa-sf.org or visit us at our website: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/


【EVENT】 Fellowships for Research in Japan (November) フェローシップ説明会のご案内

Are you interested in research, collaboration and travel opportunities in Japan?

Hundreds of funding opportunities are available to all fields (social-science, humanities, STEM, multi-disciplinary) for research at all Japanese Universities and public research institutions.

• Pre-PhD students (summer and short-term fellowships)
• Postdocs (summer, short and long term fellowships)
• Faculty fellowships at junior, mid-career and senior levels (short and long term)

If you want to know more, don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about funding options directly from the alumni and staff of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*.

International Fellowships for Research in Japan
Information Session with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)*


■University of Washington

Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

5:00– 6:30PM

Husky Union Building (HUB), Room 250



■University of British Columbia

Thursday, Nov 8, 2018


Michael Smith Laboratories (MSL), Lecture Theatre 102

2185 East Mall V6T 1Z4



■University of California, Los Angeles

Thursday, Nov 15, 2018


CNSI Executive Conference Room (Main Floor – Room 3141)



■University of California, Irvine

Friday, Nov 16, 2018


Graduate Resource Center (3rd Floor of the Gateway study center)



■University of California, Davis

Tuesday, Nov 27, 2018


International Center (3rd Floor Conference Room)



*JSPS is the largest research-funding agency in Japan, under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Education.






平成30年度 国際共同研究加速基金(帰国発展研究)の公募を開始しました






URL  http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/35_kokusai/03_kikoku/koubo.html









・応募総額    5,000万円以下

・研究期間    3年以内








URL: http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/gijyutu/gijyutu4/041/shiryo/1407822.htm


【本件問い合わせ先】 ※サンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、質問等をお受けできません。

独立行政法人日本学術振興会 研究事業部 研究助成企画課

電話 :+81-(0)3-3263-4927

メール:kksi-kaken*jsps.go.jp (海外からはできる限りメールでお願いします)





この会は、研修等で米国大学に派遣されている大学職員の皆様のスタッフデベロップメント(SD)の一環として、2009年から毎年度開催している研修プログラムです。当研究連絡センターが所在するカリフォルニア州は、州のマスタープランに基づき、UC(カリフォルニア大学)、CSU(カリフォルニア州立大学)、CCC(コミュニティカレッジ)という3層にわたる公立高等教育を提供し、その3層をスタンフォード大学を始めとする私立大学が取り巻くという特徴的な高等教育制度で、世界的にも高い研究成果を挙げています。そのような背景を踏まえ、当研究連絡センターは、「Academia Oriented」な活動を幅広く展開しており、「在米大学職員研究会」は大学の国際化を目指した大学職員のSDとして実施しています。







場所:JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センター内 会議室(2001 Addison Street, Suite 260 Berkeley, CA 94704)










青島 宏一郎 氏 San Francisco State University ,Coordinator, International Student Services & Outreach, Office of International Programs


















(独)日本学術振興会 (JSPS)サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター   (担当:今田・段野)

    2001 Addison St. #260 Berkeley, CA 94704

    Phone: +1-510-665-1890    Fax:  +1-510-665-1891

    E-mail: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org