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JSPS/University of British Columbia Joint Symposium

Experiences With and Within: Christians in Japan from the 16th Century to the Present Day

Friday, September 23, 2005
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Asian Centre Auditorium
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Saturday, September 24, 2005
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Asian Centre Auditorium
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada

Organized by:
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, San Francisco Office
UBC, Institute for Asian Research’s Program in Religion and Public Policy
UBC, Asian Studies with support from President’s Advisory Committee on Lectures and the Faculty of Arts

The basic theme of this event is based on how the world has looked through individual Christian eyes, and how Christians have looked to non-Christians in Japan from the sixteenth century through the present day. Participants have been asked to prepare papers, which will be distributed in advance within the symposium. We expect to have a bound photocopy of the symposium papers available for purchase on September 23. Fifty minutes are assigned to each paper’s introduction by its author and subsequent discussion.


Friday, September 23
8:15 am Registration and complimentary refreshments
9:00 am Welcoming remarks
9:15 am First Panel: The Experiences of Japan’s Earliest Christians
Presiding-Prof. Don Baker, Asian Studies, UBC

The Confrarias and Lay Support for the Early Christian Church in Japan
Joao Paulo Oliveira e Costa, New University of Lisbon

10:05 am The Act of Apostasy
Jurgis Elisonas, Professor Emeritus, Indiana University
10:55 am The Experiences of Individual Christians during Christianity’s Underground Years
Peter Nosco, University of British Columbia
Midday Exhibit of John Howes’ new book on Uchimura Kanzô, Asian Centre lobby, with refreshments
Lunch Self-provided
2:00 pm Second Panel: 20th-Century Christians and the Japanese State
Presiding-Prof. Julian Dierkes, Institute for Asian Research, UBC
2:05 pm Nitobe Inazo and the Sapporo Band: Reflections on the Dawning of Protestant Christianity in Meiji Japan
George M. Oshiro, Obirin University
2:55 pm From the ‘Spirit of independence’ to National Theology: Rendering Protestant Thought at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Yosuke Nirei, Indiana University, South Bend
3:45 pm Kagawa Toyohiko: His Place in 20th-Century Japanese Society and Culture
Mark Mullins, Sophia University
4:45 pm Reception, CK Choi Building, hosted by the Centre for Japanese Research
6:00 pm Dinner, Asian Centre Auditorium, ticket required
7:30 pm Uchimura Kanzô
Keynote Address by John Howes, Emeritus, UBC
Saturday, September 24
8:15 am Complimentary refreshments, Asian Centre Auditorium
9:30 am Third Panel: Experiences With and Within
Presiding-Prof. Peter Nosco, Asian Studies, UBC
9:40 am Japanese Immigrants and their Christian Communities in North America
Ryo Yoshida, Doshisha University
10:45 am Roundtable discussion of the issues (all panelists), with audience questions and comments

Please note: The events that begin Friday September 23rd and extend through noon of the 24th are free and open to the public, with the exception of the dinner and keynote address on the 23rd. Tickets for both the dinner and keynote address are available but only through advance purchase, and may be obtained by contacting the Department’s Administrator Maija Scott at maija@interchange.ubc.ca or 604 822-9266.