ホーム » お知らせ » 山中伸弥先生講演会~基礎研究から産学連携まで~を開催しました JSPS Nobel Laureate Lecture: Dr. Shinya Yamanaka From Basic Research to Industry-Academia Collaboration


山中伸弥先生講演会~基礎研究から産学連携まで~を開催しました JSPS Nobel Laureate Lecture: Dr. Shinya Yamanaka From Basic Research to Industry-Academia Collaboration

場所:Berkeley City Club Ballroom(2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94704)




田宮センター長の挨拶            山田在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事のご挨拶

山中先生のご講演              講演会場の様子

 JSPS San Francisco hosted Nobel Laureate Dr. Shinya Yamanaka (Director, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University) for his lecture delivered in Japanese: “From Basic Research to Industry-Academia Collaboration” on May 16, 2017 at the Berkeley City Club. Nearly 200 participants attended, including Japanese researchers, businesspeople, and the general public.
 The message of Dr. Yamanaka’s lecture on his Nobel Prize-winning iPS cell research spoke to everyone in the room. His stories about researching in the United States were particularly encouraging to the Japanese scholars in the audience who are currently conducting research in the US. He also focused on the importance of basic research, academic research and strategies to connect this research to industry and government, a topic of great interest to the Silicon Valley businesspeople in attendance. His character, Kansai dialect, and easy-to-understand explanation of technical themes made the content accessible to the entire audience, regardless of their background.
 In the Q&A session following the lecture, participants raised questions related to research, including “What kind of laboratory management is necessary to produce good research results?” and “What are some things researchers should endeavor to do in the early years of their research?”

 Dr. Yamanaka’s lecture was an inspiration not only to researchers, but to the audience as a whole.

 The JSPS San Francisco Office would like to thank the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) San Francisco Office and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Silicon Valley, without whom this event would not have been possible.