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第1回 JSPS若手研究者支援フォーラム開催のお知らせ



日時:2007年6月21日(木) 15:00-16:30





・所属 (JSPS特別研究員、海外特別研究員の場合はその旨も)


本件担当:飯田 裕一Yuichi Iida (Mr.)


1 日時 2007年6月15日(金)
2 場所 Hilton Crystal City(Virginia)





この度、新たな試みとして、希望する若手研究者に発表の場を提供し、論文発表の練習や意見交換等を通じてその他研究活動をサポートすると共に、さらに研究者同士の交流を深めて頂く機会を提供する場、「若手研究者支援フォーラム(JSPS Forum for Young Researcher)」を開始することにしました。

興味がおあ りの方は、JSPS SF研究連絡センターまでご連絡下さい。

日時:不定期 1時間半~2時間程度

場所:日本学術振興会サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター 他




1.発表希望者とJSPS SF研究連絡センターで相談をし、日時、発表内容や形式を調整。




※謝金はあ りません。交通費も本人負担でお願い致します。



1.期間 平成19年4月26日(木)~4月27日(金)
2.場所 San Mateo Marriott near the San Francisco Airport





Workshop for JSPS Fellowships at Stanford University

1.日時 平成19年3月12日(月)

2.訪問先 Auditorium, James H. Clark Center, Stanford University


Gathering of JSPS Japanese Fellows

WHEN: January 26th (Friday), 2007 5:30pm – 7:30pm
LOCATION: Skyline Hotel, Penthouse Ballroom
725 10th Ave at 49th St., New York, NY

On January 26th, the JSPS San Francisco Office held the “6th Gathering of JSPS Japanese Fellows” in New York. Its purpose was to promote trans-disciplinary exchange among Japanese researchers working in the US and to deepen a sense of colleagueship while facilitating network building among them. Although it was such a cold day, 28 Japanese researchers brought together from all over the U.S. Some were fellows under JSPS’s “Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad” and “Research Fellowships for Young Scientists” programs, and others were invited Japanese scientists doing research in the US.

The meeting began with remarks by San Francisco Office director Dr. Seishi Takeda. After a toast, time was given to allow the participants to engage in free conversation. The participants were then asked to each introduce themselves and their research work. Though short, these brief introductions attracted the participants’ interests and the participants focused attentively. This added impetus to the conversation, on such subjects as where and what they had researched and their experiences living in the US and other countries, stimulated much of the networking. After their introductions, they continued to relax and chat with each other about their lives and research activities over food and drinks.

Some of the participants noted that this gathering party gave them the precious chance to meet researchers like them in different fields. Others said that they could make friends not only in the same universities but also in the different universities and exchange a variety of information among them.

We are sure that this gathering party was very useful and valuable to the participants and was successful as a whole.


The First JUNBA Academia Summit and Symposium

Date:January 11 and 12, 2007
Location: Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
James H. Clark Center, Bio-X, Stanford University

The “First Academia Summit and Symposium” of the Japanese University Network in the Bay Area (JUNBA) was held on 11-12 January.

JUNBA comprises a network of Japanese universities with overseas offices in the San Francisco Bay Area. The consortium, which includes Japanese agencies, was organized to facilitate liaison among the member universities, while accelerating their internationalization initiatives. It also works to advance collaborative research and education between Japan and the US.

The Summit on the 11th began with remarks from JUNBA president Dr. Yoshikatsu Murooka and Mr. Makoto Yamanaka, Consul General of Japan in San Francisco, followed by a keynote speech from JSPS executive director Mr. Isao Kiso. The first session, titled “International Strategy by Each Participating University,” featured presentations by representatives of eight universities, followed by spirited discussions. The second session engaged the participants in an exchange of views on the universities’ internationalization approaches and in drafting a Summit Declaration on advancing and supporting collaborative education and research and university-industry cooperation in the Bay Area and across the wider United States. The Summit Declaration was announced at a reception held that evening at the official residence of the Consul General of Japan in San Francisco.

The Symposium venued at Stanford University on the 12th was themed “Nano-Material Science.” Nine researchers from the US and Japan reported on state-of-the-art developments in their respective countries, with the ensuing Q&A session spawning an energetic sharing of further information on research in the subject field. The concluding reception was held in a very relaxed atmosphere, conducive to a congenial exchange of views and the forming of new colleagueal networks among the participants.

JUNBA plays a uniquely significant role in promoting from its base in America the internationalization of Japanese higher education and research. In this endeavor, the JSPS San Francisco Office would like to continue to offer its encouragement and support.

(シンポジウム) James H. Clark Center, Bio-X, Stanford University
日時: 2007年1月11日(木)、12日(金)


Commemorative Workshop of Opening SANKEN USA Branch in San Francisco

1.日時 平成18年12月15日(金) 13:00~19:20
2.場所 Hotel Nikko San Francisco Bay View Room


Ninth Annual Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium

1.出張期間 平成18年12月8日(金)~12月11日(月)
2.訪問先 University of California Irvine


Osaka University Forum in San Diego

Frontier Biomedical Research and Beyond
Date: December 4 and 5, 2006
LOCATION: Hyatt Regency La Jolla (La Jolla near San Diego), California

Held in collaboration with University of California, San Diego, the 2006 Osaka University Forum on “Frontier Biomedical Research and Beyond” will take place from December 4 to 5, 2006 at San Diego (USA). This 6th forum will focus on medical advances pioneered through imaginative clinical approaches.

The 2006 Osaka University Forum is supported by JSPS. More information on the forum can be found at Osaka University San Francisco Office website.

2006 Osaka University Forum Poster


日付: 平成18年12月4日(月)、5日(火)
訪問先: UC San Diego


JSPS and CJS (Center for Japanese Studies, UC Berkeley) 3rd Annual JOINT COLLOQUIUM

Responses to Destruction in Japan: A Multi-Disciplinary Symposium ~
Date: October 13-14th, 2006
Location: University of California at Berkeley

JSPS and CJS Joint colloquium will take place from October 13th to 14th at University of California at Berkeley. This 3rd Joint Colloquium will focus primarily on responses to natural disasters in modern Japan. Composed of researchers from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, we will consider political, social, cultural, economic and technological dimensions of responses to catastrophe, and examine how disasters have offered opportunities for effecting changes in engineering, architecture, urban design, and disaster prevention/mitigation strategies. The session on Oct 13th is free and open to the public.

For Your Information

View Abstract

View poster for advertisement

Prof. Takeda is delivering an opening address before the session.(Friday, October 13th)
Welcome Reception at Berkeley City Club, in Berkeley, CA.(Thursday, October 12th)

JSPS Program Workshop in UC Davis

日時: 平成18年10月5日(木)
場所: UC Davis


JSPS Program Workshop in UC Irvine/UCLA

1. 日 時:平成18 年 9 月10 日(日)~12 日(火)
2. 出張先:UC Irvine, UCLA


Scientific Mobility Conference

1. 日 時:平成18 年 9 月 7 日(木)
2. 出張先:Stanford University
