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Gathering of JSPS Japanese Fellows

WHEN: July 28th (Friday), 2006 5:00pm – 7:30pm
LOCATION: Hotel Durant, University Room
2600 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, California

On 28 July, the JSPS San Francisco Office held a “Gathering of JSPS Japanese Fellows” in Berkeley, California. Its purpose was to promote trans-disciplinary exchange among Japanese researchers working in the US and to deepen a sense of colleagueship while facilitating network building among them. San Francisco Office had this kind of gathering in 2004 for the first time. This, the fifth such gathering organized by the Office, brought together 27 Japanese researchers. Some were fellows under JSPS’s “Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad” and “Research Fellowships for Young Scientists” programs and others were invited Japanese scientists doing research in the US.

The meeting began with remarks by San Francisco Office director Dr. Seishi Takeda. After a toast, time was given to allow the participants to engage in free conversation. The casual atmosphere made it easy for them to relax and get to know each other. The participants were then asked to introduce themselves and their research work. This added impetus to the conversation among them on such subjects as where and what they had researched and their experiences of living in the US and other countries. Following this time slot, talks were given by Prof. Katsumori Matsushima, The University of Tokyo, and Prof. Toshihiko Nishimura, Deputy Director, Tohoku University’s US Office, on the significance of doing research overseas and the importance of networking with Japanese colleagues. The young Japanese researchers were both motivated and encouraged by these messages based on the professors’ wealth of personal experience.

After Dr. Takeda closed the gathering with remarks, the participants continued lively talking, meeting the expectation of developing networks and contacts between the future researchers.


日時: 2006年6月22日(木)10:00~19:00
訪問先: スタンフォード大学

  • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) 訪問
  • Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE)の招待で津田塾大学飯野正子学長の講演を傍聴

Georgetown University and the 11th “Science in Japan” Forum

1.期間: 平成18年6月15日(木)~6月18日(日)
2.訪問先: 11th “Science in Japan” Forum at Omni Shoreham Hotel, Georgetown University


A Live Lecture to Osaka University Students in Japan

The director of the San Francisco Office, Dr. Seishi Takeda, will give a live lecture
(via TV Conference System) to Osaka University Students in Japan from Osaka University, San Francisco Office.
Big Science and Global Cooperation
June 8th (Thursday), 2006 5:00pm – 6:30pm (PST)
= June 9th (Friday), 2006 9:00am -10:30am (JST)

June 15th (Thursday), 2006 5:00pm – 6:30pm (PST)
= June 16th (Friday), 2006 9:00am -10:30am (JST)

For more information on this event, please contact the JSPS San Francisco Office.

2006 APRU/AEARU Research Symposium

Earthquake Hazards around the Pacific Rim
Global Watch and Environmental Impact

The Westin St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco, CA
April 21 (Friday) – 22 (Saturday), 2006

This symposium is APRU/AEARU’s 2nd Research Symposium hosted by Osaka University and UC Berkeley, and JSPS will support it. This is also linked to the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. All the participants are required to be registered. For registration, or if you are interested in details, please see this site. http://www.osaka-u-sf.org/news3info.shtml

For Your Information

The program of the symposium
APRU Association of Pacific Rim Universities
AEARU Association of East Asia Research Universities
100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

JSPS represents at the 39th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival of Northern California

Date: April 15th . 16th (Saturday . Sunday) JSPS represented with Japan Pavilion
Exhibit, both days
April 22nd . 23rd (Saturday . Sunday)
Time: 11 A.M. . 5 P.M. daily
Place: Imperial Ballroom B . Radisson Miyako Hotel
San Francisco Japantown


JSPS/The University of Texas at Austin Joint Conference

“Interrogating Japan’s Soft Power”

Saturday, February 25, 2006
The University of Texas at Austin
Dean’s Conference Room, GEB 3.312

Organized by:
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, San Francisco Office
The University of Texas at Austin, Center for East Asian Studies

This interdisciplinary conference will explore the historical and contemporary avenues of Japan’s soft power. Departing from a narrow conception of soft power that focuses on popular culture, leading scholars of Japan and the US from a variety of disciplines have been invited to also explore the roles of aesthetics, narrative, religion, science and national branding in generating soft power for Japan. We will question the relationships among concepts like soft power, globalization and regionalism and will explore the mechanisms and agents of a variety of forms of Japanese soft power. There are four sessions and each session is composed of two panelists. Fifty minutes are allotted for each person, including a brief summary of the main ideas in the paper (10-15 minutes), comments on the paper by the “partner” in that session (5 – 10 minutes) and Q&A (remaining 25-35 minutes).


Saturday, February 25, 2006
8:00 – 8:30 Coffee & Continental Breakfast
8:00 – 8:45 Welcoming Remarks by JSPS & UT
8:45 – 10:25 Session: Japan’s Aesthetic Influence
Susan Napier, The University of Texas at Austin
Differing Destinations: Orientalism, Soft Power and Cultural Identification in
Anime Fandom
Christine Guth, Stanford University
The Woodblock Print as Cultural Impression

10:25 – 10:40 Coffee Break
10:40 – 12:20 Session: Religion and Soft Power
Yamada Shoji, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Zen: An Imagined Soft Power
William LaFleur, University of Pennsylvania
Pulling Bioethics in a More Balanced Direction: International Attention to Japanese
Concerns about Informed Consent
12:20 – 1:50 Lunch Break
Boxed lunches served in conference room for Panelists
Optional Tour of UT tower
1:50 – 3:30 Session: The Soft Power of Narrative
William Tsutsui, University of Kansas
The Prehistory of Soft Power: Godzilla, Cheese, and the American Consumption of
Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio University
Cyberpunk Japan, Avant-Pop America
3:30 – 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 – 5:25 Session: Contemporary National Branding
Anne Allison, Duke University
J Cool in the Global Imagination
Iwabuchi Koichi, Waseda University
Uses of Media Culture: Beyond Brand Nationalism into Cultural Citizenship
5:25 Closing Remarks
6:30 – 9:00 Dinner for Panelists
Please note: This conference is free and open to the public. Due to space limitations, however, if you would like to attend, please contact Dr. Nancy Stalker, the University of Texas at Austin for a researvation.

Columbia University / Princeton University

1.出張期間: 平成18年1月24日(水)~27日(土)


  • フェローシッププログラム等本会各種事業等紹介
  • シンポジウム共同開催打診(日本研究)
  • 国際交流分野を中心とする大学調査


  • コロンビア大学
  • プリンストン大学
  • ニューヨーク大学

Nanoscience and Quantum Physics University of California at Berkeley and Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdepartmental Symposium

Nanoscience and Quantum Physics

University of California at Berkeley and Tokyo Institute of Technology
Interdepartmental Symposium

JSPS supported the event – View the ABSTRACT

Boston University; Tufts University, Harvard University; MIT

1.期間 平成17年12月4日(日)~10日(土)


  • 国際交流分野を中心とする大学調査
  • フェローシッププログラム等本会各種事業紹介
  • シンポジウム共同開催打診(日本研究)


  • Boston University
  • Tufts University
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology


1.出張期間: 平成17年11月27日(日)~平成17年11月29日(火)(3日間)


3.訪問先: カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校

Visiting UCLA

1.期間 平成17年10月30日(日)~11月1日(火)


3.訪問先 University of California, Los Angeles

Interview at UC Davis

1.日時: 平成17年10月21日(金)


3.訪問先: カリフォルニア大学デイビス校

JSPS/University of British Columbia Joint Symposium

Experiences With and Within: Christians in Japan from the 16th Century to the Present Day

Friday, September 23, 2005
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Asian Centre Auditorium
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Saturday, September 24, 2005
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Asian Centre Auditorium
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada

Organized by:
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, San Francisco Office
UBC, Institute for Asian Research’s Program in Religion and Public Policy
UBC, Asian Studies with support from President’s Advisory Committee on Lectures and the Faculty of Arts

The basic theme of this event is based on how the world has looked through individual Christian eyes, and how Christians have looked to non-Christians in Japan from the sixteenth century through the present day. Participants have been asked to prepare papers, which will be distributed in advance within the symposium. We expect to have a bound photocopy of the symposium papers available for purchase on September 23. Fifty minutes are assigned to each paper’s introduction by its author and subsequent discussion.


Friday, September 23
8:15 am Registration and complimentary refreshments
9:00 am Welcoming remarks
9:15 am First Panel: The Experiences of Japan’s Earliest Christians
Presiding-Prof. Don Baker, Asian Studies, UBC

The Confrarias and Lay Support for the Early Christian Church in Japan
Joao Paulo Oliveira e Costa, New University of Lisbon

10:05 am The Act of Apostasy
Jurgis Elisonas, Professor Emeritus, Indiana University
10:55 am The Experiences of Individual Christians during Christianity’s Underground Years
Peter Nosco, University of British Columbia
Midday Exhibit of John Howes’ new book on Uchimura Kanzô, Asian Centre lobby, with refreshments
Lunch Self-provided
2:00 pm Second Panel: 20th-Century Christians and the Japanese State
Presiding-Prof. Julian Dierkes, Institute for Asian Research, UBC
2:05 pm Nitobe Inazo and the Sapporo Band: Reflections on the Dawning of Protestant Christianity in Meiji Japan
George M. Oshiro, Obirin University
2:55 pm From the ‘Spirit of independence’ to National Theology: Rendering Protestant Thought at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Yosuke Nirei, Indiana University, South Bend
3:45 pm Kagawa Toyohiko: His Place in 20th-Century Japanese Society and Culture
Mark Mullins, Sophia University
4:45 pm Reception, CK Choi Building, hosted by the Centre for Japanese Research
6:00 pm Dinner, Asian Centre Auditorium, ticket required
7:30 pm Uchimura Kanzô
Keynote Address by John Howes, Emeritus, UBC
Saturday, September 24
8:15 am Complimentary refreshments, Asian Centre Auditorium
9:30 am Third Panel: Experiences With and Within
Presiding-Prof. Peter Nosco, Asian Studies, UBC
9:40 am Japanese Immigrants and their Christian Communities in North America
Ryo Yoshida, Doshisha University
10:45 am Roundtable discussion of the issues (all panelists), with audience questions and comments

Please note: The events that begin Friday September 23rd and extend through noon of the 24th are free and open to the public, with the exception of the dinner and keynote address on the 23rd. Tickets for both the dinner and keynote address are available but only through advance purchase, and may be obtained by contacting the Department’s Administrator Maija Scott at maija@interchange.ubc.ca or 604 822-9266.

JSPS/CJS Joint Colloquium

The ‘Globalization’ of Japanese Studies: Southeast Asian Perspectives

Colloquium: Friday, March 18, 2005
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Toll Room, Alumni House
University of California at Berkeley
Workshop: Saturday, March 19, 2005
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Seaborg Room, Faculty Club
University of California at Berkeley
(Invited participants only)
Organized by:
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, San Francisco office
Center for Japanese Studies, UCB

Japan’s relationship with the Asian continent has long been a subject of historical analysis, journalistic reportage, and impassioned political debate. In recent decades, Japan’s successful industrial development has brought increasing Japanese investment in East and Southeast Asia. Along with that investment has come a growing prominence of “Japanese Studies” as an intellectual resource for Asian societies hoping to use Japan as a model for their own industrial development. The success of several of these societies in achieving industrial growth has bolstered Japan’s relevance as a guide to “modernization,” yet also poses crucial questions for both Japan and its Asian neighbors as they negotiate the terms of their current relationship and interpret the events of their common past. The increasing influence of China in Asian affairs has also raised speculations–in Japan and elsewhere–of a diminishing role for Japan in Asia as its relative economic importance declines.

This conference seeks to examine “Japanese Studies” in its current global context, focusing in particular on Southeast Asia. Coming from a region still intensely concerned with matters of economic development, one situated between and affected by the competing ambitions of Japan and China, Southeast Asian views of and research on Japan are of increasing intellectual and political significance, and offer compelling perspectives on the themes that may come to define “Japanese Studies” in the coming decades. We anticipate that the symposium will go beyond an emphasis on Japan’s economic role and importance to address the complex relationship between Japan’s “hard” and “soft” power within the Southeast Asian region; namely, Japanese governmental and private efforts to promote the field of Japanese Studies in Southeast Asia, as well as the growing interest among Southeast Asian youth in Japanese “pop culture.” Our hope is to invite speakers from Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, the Philippines and the United States to reflect on the significance of an Asia-centered Japanese studies, and the alternatives it may offer to views of Japan that dominate contemporary Western scholarship.


8:30 am Complimentary Breakfast
9:00 am Opening Remarks
Isao Kiso, Executive Director, Japan Society for Promotion of Science
Andrew Barshay, Chair, Center for Japanese Studies
9:10 am Session 1: The Political, Economic, and Diplomatic Context
Introductory Remarks by T.J. Pempel, Director, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley
9:20 am After the Capitalist Developmental State: What Can Be Gained by Casting a New Light on the Japanese Political Economy
Nobuhiro Hiwatari, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
10:00 am Japan-Southeast Asia Governmental Linkages and Diplomatic Relations
Takashi Terada, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore
10:40 am Coffee Break
10:50 am Japanese Contribution in Supporting China’s Reforms: A Study Based on ODA Loans
Naohiro Kitano, Department of Economics, Kyoto University
11:30 am Indonesian Responses to Japanese Foreign Aid and Investment
Annette Clear, Politics Department, University of California, Santa Cruz
12:10 pm Questions from the audience and discussion
12:40 pm Buffet Lunch
1:30 pm Session 2: Intellectual and Cultural Dimensions
Introductory Remarks by Andrew Barshay, Chair, Center for Japanese Studies
1:40 pm Japan-Thai Trade and Cultural Relations
Kitti Prasirtsuk, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Bangkok
2:20 pm The Future of Japanese Studies in the Philippines
Lydia N. Yu Jose, Director, Japanese Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University
3:00 pm Coffee Break
3:20 pm The Institutional and Cultural Context of Japanese Studies in Singapore
Simon Avenell, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore
4:00 pm The Influence of Japanese Popular Culture in Southeast Asia
Akio Igarashi, Department of Law, Rikkyo University
4:40 pm Questions from the audience, wrap-up discussion
5:30 pm Reception
March 19
9:00 am –
12:00 pm
Follow-up Workshop