JSPS SF 15th Anniversary Event “World Premier Research in Japan” サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター設立15周年記念イベント “World Premier Research in Japan”を開催しました。

On January 24 and 25, JSPS San Francisco (JSPS SF) held the symposium, “World Premier Research in Japan” at University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University. This event commemorated JSPS SF’s 15th anniversary while also highlighting Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s (MEXT) World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).

Since its establishment in 2003, JSPS SF has been supporting exchange between Japanese and American researcher communities. This includes holding various academic symposia and acting as a hub for the West Coast offices of many Japanese universities and their networking activities. With the recent emphasis on interdisciplinary research and research at scale, the exchange of ideas and brainpower between institutions and countries is now more essential than ever. Throughout its 15-year history, JSPS SF has strived to provoke creativity and innovation with its symposia. These events also provide US-based researchers with opportunities to network and strengthen ties with scholars from Japan (JSPS SF 15th Anniversary milestones (co-organaized symposia in the US)).

In celebration of JSPS SF’s 15th anniversary, four WPI Centers (Kavli IPMU, AIMR, I2CNER and ITbM), presented some of their research to audiences at UC Berkeley and Stanford University. The WPI Centers are examples of highly internationalized research institutions with best–in-class research achievements. The two-day event had a total of 110 attendees, including researchers, students and individuals from the private sector.

Following JSPS Governing Director Mr. Noriyoshi Masuko and JSPS SF Director Dr. Toru Tamiya’s opening remarks, Consul-General of Japan in San Francisco Mr. Tomochika Uyama, Director of the US-Asia Technology Management Center at Stanford University Dr. Richard Dasher (A WPI’s Program Committee member since 2007) and  President of JUNBA (Japanese University Network in the Bay Area) Mr. Tomohisa Koyama gave congratulatory addresses. Dr. Dasher emphasized the competitive selection process under which the WPI centers were established and how these institutes empower young researchers starting out in their careers.

The presentations from the WPI centers covered a wide variety of fields such as astrophysics, materials science, energy and biology. The WPI Directors introduced their centers while other representatives from the centers introduced some of their research. In addition to introducing their impressive achievements, the institutes elaborated on their internationalized research environments and efforts to strengthen interdisciplinary research. Presentations were made by Kavli IPMU’s Dr. Hitoshi Murayama (Founding Director) and Dr. Khee-Gan Lee (Project Assistant Professor), AIMR’s Dr. Motoko Kotani (Director) and Dr. Tomoteru Fukumura (Professor), I2CNER’s Dr. Petros Sofronis (Director) and Dr. Toshinori Matsushima (Associate Professor), and ITbM’s Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, (Administrative Director) and Dr. Naoyuki Uchida (Designated Associate Professor) . Their presentations covered topics such as collaboration with universities and researchers in the US, the creation of new materials, technology transfer, and practical applications to the medical and agricultural fields. They drew a sizable audience from Silicon Valley and the larger San Francisco Bay Area who enjoyed expanding their networks during the Q&A sessions and networking receptions.

JSPS SF would like to thank the four participating WPI Centers, the Center for Japanese Studies, UC Berkeley, the US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University, Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) San Francisco Office and JUNBA, without whom this symposium would not have been possible.



1月24日:International House, Ida & Robert Sproul, University of California, Berkeley (2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94720)

1月25日:Paul G. Allen Building, 101X Auditorium, Stanford University (330 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305)

後援・協力:Center for Japanese Studies, University of California, Berkeley

US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University





サンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、センター設立15周年を記念し、世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム(WPI)の協力の下、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校及びスタンフォード大学においてJSPS SF 15th Anniversary Event「World Premier Research in Japan」を開催しました。

サンフランシスコ研究連絡センターは、2003年の設立以来、日本の大学の米国西海岸拠点ネットワークの事務局としてその活動を支援しながら、日米の学術交流・学術研究発展のために様々な学術イベントを企画、実施してきました。近年では、分野横断的な融合研究が重視されるようになり、国内外の研究機関が連携し、研究者交流や共同研究を推し進めていくことがこれまで以上に不可欠となっています。当センターは、設立以来15年間で主催・共催した多数の学術シンポジウムを通じ、米国を拠点とする研究者と日本の研究者とのネットワーク構築、関係強化の手助けをするとともに、新たなアイディアを呼び起こす触媒的な役割を担ってきました(JSPS SFにおける15年間の主な共催シンポジウム)。

今回のシンポジウムでは、日本で最も国際化が進み、かつ、高い研究成果を挙げている代表例であるWPI拠点から4拠点(Kavli IPMU、AIMR、I2CNER、ITbM)を御招きして講演をいただきました。当日は、研究者、学生、企業関係者を含め2日間で計110名の皆様に参加いただきました。

WPI拠点からの講演は、天文物理、材料科学、エネルギー、生物学など幅広い研究分野にわたっており、各拠点の世界的に卓越した研究成果や国際化された研究環境、融合研究の紹介に加え、主任研究者や若手研究者から実際の研究内容を紹介いただきました。Kavli IPMUからは村山斉初代拠点長とKhee-Gan Lee特任講師、AIMRからは小谷元子拠点長と福村知昭教授、I2CNERからはペトロス・ソフロニス拠点長と松島敏則准教授、ITbMからは松本剛事務部門長と打田直行特任准教授から講演いただきました。

最後になりますが、この場をお借りして、ご来場の皆様、WPI拠点の皆様、ご後援・ご協力いただいたCenter for Japanese Studies, University of California, Berkeley、US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University、在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館、(独)日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)サンフランシスコ事務所、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア大学間連携ネットワーク(JUNBA)に改めて厚くお礼を申し上げます。

Picture UCBPicture Stanford

Homeイベント学術シンポジウムJSPS SF 15th Anniversary Event “World Premier Research in Japan” サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター設立15周年記念イベント “World Premier Research in Japan”を開催しました。