Q. In which country do you hold citizenship or permanent residency?: 4. permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan other than an EU country, UK, the US, Canada, Switzerland, Norway or Russia (JSPS treats Taiwan and Palestine as a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan)
Q4. Have you been continuously engaged in research for a period of at least three years at a university of reserach institution in an EU country, UK, the US, Canada, Switzerland, Norway or Russia?: 2. no
Q4-2. When did you receive your PhD degree?: 1. within the last 6 years
Q4-2-1 Which statement best describes your current status here at a university or research institution?: 2. other

Based on the answers provided you are likely eligible for:

■  You are a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner). Standard Program through Open Recruitment. You can also apply through a Nominating Authority that partners with JSPS, if there is one within the country in which you hold citizenship.

  • Overview
    • The program provides an opportunity to conduct collaborative research for young overseas researchers under the guidance of their hosts in universities and other research institutions in Japan.
  • Duration
    • 12 to 24 months
  • Eligibility
    • Those who have previously been awarded a fellowship under the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Research in Japan ([Standard], and [Pathway to University positions in japan]) are not eligible.
  • Terms of Award
    • Airfare: A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS's regulations)
    • Maintenance Allowance: ¥362,000 per month
    • Miscellaneous:
      A settling-in allowance of ¥200,000, Overseas travel insurance, etc.
      "Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Researh (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow)is available to cover cooperative research-related expenses